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Rons CSV Editor - Testimonials

Best CSV Editor around! I have tried numerous CSV Editors and they all fall short, until I came across your editor. I have been using it for several months now and I have yet to come across something I have wanted to do that this does not do for me. I love it! Thanks for all your hard work in creating a complete tool.

Gene Steinbacher -

Hi - Just wanted to drop a note to say that I bought the CSV editor within 20 minutes of using the free version. Its a great tool, just what we needed!

RXNT Employee - RXNT

I just want to say thank you. I bought your editor about a year ago. I use your editor all the time to do quick data wrangling on CSV files. It does not mess up the data like Excel does in trying to be too smart and convert data types into other types. Thank you and keep up the good work.

Raymond Wong - Qualbe Marketing Group

I have been using Rons CSV Editor for my work in the SAP environment and it has helped and made my job a lot easier. I have recommended your application to a lot of my colleagues in the industry and most of them have bought it after they saw how easily it handles CSV files in the real-life environment when I was having workshops, training, and presentations where I had to deal with lots of CSV files.

Šerif Memedi

Thank you for this outstanding CSV Editor. As far as we are concerned it’s the best out there and we are happily using it every day.”

Albrecht Schmidt

The editor opens the CSV file perfectly and transferred it to Excel without errors! >> I am so happy about this! << – Cells with line breaks were inserted without errors! Excel had not managed this when I imported the CSV directly.

Detlef Steinhäuser - Communardo Software GmbH

Hi Ron, I just wanted to thank you for creating Ron's Editor, which I have been using happily for many years. It's a simple tool that really makes my life easier. I know how much dedication and hard work it takes to create something like this, so I just wanted to acknowledge your efforts and say thank you. Best regards, Benjamin Rich

Benjamin Rich

I do a lot of work with EXCEL but usually only use basic editing. I spend way too much time trying to keep Excel from reformating text or changing values I don't want changed.

I have been looking for a flat file editor that would edit Excel spreadsheets from .csv or .tsv files. I have been looking quite a while without much success.

So far Ron's Editor looks great. It formats and edits in a format that looks like Excel, but it doesn't try to do all sorts of unnatural things to the text I enter.

This seems to be a great editor at a reasonable price.

Robert Wilson

I use Ron's Editor to help manage our online store (Bigcommerce). I found it while trying to find a way to edit HTML in my CSV files. Microsoft Excel doesn't handle multi-line HTML in a cell very well which makes it very hard to edit. Ron's Editor has separate window that will show multi-line cells and a convenient content viewer window that will render HTML.

Kenny Davis - Philadelphia Luthier - Tools and Supplies

I wanted to thank you for your CSV Editor. That is an indispensable tool that I use all the damn time. Simply a great product that I am so glad I found. Keep up the good work!

Thomas L. Rowe -

I've been using Ron's Editor (Lite) on and off again for a few years. When I have used it, its been very handy and in some aspect irreplaceable. So, I figure what better to say thanks then just an email, I bought the Pro version! Again, thank you! ~Mike

Mike Wagner - Wonderware North

Excellent product. I have always used Excel to edit CSV files and cursed every time at its multiple confirmation dialogs. At home, I do not have excel and have installed Ron's Editor - wish I'd done this years ago!

Martin Lindley -

Hello, It is probably unnecessary, but I could not resist to write my impression about Ron's Editor. It is GREAT! It really is. It does what it has to, it does it in the right way, it is fast and comfortable. It is a really great software! I want to congratulate you.

Lóránt Csonka

I love the fact that you are continually improving your editor! I use it every day to maintain Magento websites and it has grown invaluable to me. I never have to worry about product UPC codes displaying in scientific notation or dropping leading zeros like every other spreadsheet.

Fill Lookup is also brilliant, I can hardly believe I had not used it until now. The speed with which I can reformat data to make products available online is now amazing to me. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks! It's extremely rare for me to find a piece of software that I use as much as I use Ron's Editor.

Jacob Mertz - Crown Display, Inc.

Dear Ron, Your CSV Editor is just what I needed and I bought a license. I bought a few others but none as good as yours. Thank you so much for this great and *very affordable* software-gem!

Stefaan Boonen - Catholic University of Leuven, LIBIS